Starting in June 2022, I will attempt the third ever yoyo of the Great Divide Trail, and the second with a June 1 start. Stay tuned here for updates on my progress as well as background on the trail, planning and logistics. It will involve quite a bit of snowshoeing as well.

GDT Gear review

Not a gear problem

Table Of Contents 1. Context 2. Framed Nunatak Bears Ears 3. Shelter 4. Cold weather and sleep gear 5. Wet weather gear 6. Snow gear 7. Summary 1. Context During the month of June, I hiked, or rather, snowshoed about half of the Great Divide Trail (Section A-D). With a start date of June 1, I was about 3-4 weeks ahead of the average start date on the GDT, and I knew months in advance that it would be a heavy snow year. [Read More]

Researching snow levels

Snow, snow, everywhere

Background As I’m planning to start my hike earlier than usual, I need to do some in-depth research on what kind of weather conditions, especially snow depth, I would encounter. Prime hiking season in the Canadian Rockies is from around early July to mid September, and hardly anyone starts the GDT before late June. When I first asked questions about starting in early June on the Facebook page (which is actually super helpful! [Read More]